How to Trade

Depending on which side you want to open a leveraged position, click "Long" or "Short" on the trading page.


  • Earn profit if the price of the trading pair increases
  • If the price of the trading pair drops, you will lose money


  • Earn profit if the price of the trading pair drops
  • If the price of the trading pair increases, you will lose money

After selecting your position, enter the amount you want to pay and the leverage you want to use.

The transaction fee for opening a position is 0.1% of the position size, and the transaction fee for closing the position is also 0.1%.

During the holding period, the "borrowing fee" will be calculated and accumulated in real time, and will be settled to the realized profit and loss when closing the position. This is the fee paid to the Pool. The borrowing fee is mainly affected by the fund utilization rate of the pool's corresponding token. When there is a trader transaction or lp mint/redeem, the borrowingFee update calculation will be triggered.

The "borrowing fee" for a long or short position is displayed below the operating area.


While transactions have no impact on price, slippage may occur due to price changes between transaction submission and blockchain confirmation. Slippage is the difference between the expected price of a trade and the execution price, and can be customized in Settings by clicking the icon in the upper right corner of the page.